

We were hoping to post a hodge-podge of food pictures from S. America but we had to unload our photo DVDs on our parents and were unable to get all of the pictures. Instead, here are some examples of the good, the bad and the ugly things we've eaten from Peru to France...

Provencial Market Day-France

Cheese stand in Provence...outstanding

Starter and Main dishes on wedding afternoon..(1st, 2nd and 3rd of 7 courses...)

Poached Pear-Wedding Dessert

Wine bottles after day two of wedding week
(it was a long week)

Insane French Brownie

The Ugly
Duck Confit (Duck cooked in fat)

The place we stayed in Provence was known for mellons...the rest of the fruit seemed to gravitate to the Sangria bowl

Peruvian Dish...chicken and rice wrapped in a banana leaf and boiled

Fruits picked from the Amazon jungle

Frosting hot dogs -Ecuador

Piranha and other Amazon riverfish

Roasted pork-Ecuador

Pig foot soup

Umm.....? Peruvian Bus Food

Amazon dinner...


Dave & Lindsay said...

Hey guys! It's great to see some footage from the latest stretch of your travels. The French grub and wine looked awesome. As did the nitrate sticks on the bus. Can't wait to see more... but I'm being patient as I know the internet is an evil time-suck for the world travelers. Safe travels in Lithuania. Dave

Kelsey said...

Glad to see you guys are still alive!! I think the peruvian bus food looks the best...psych! Actually get me back to France for more of that cheese!! Miss you guys. Hope all is well :)

Map of our travels...(almost..we ran out of space on google maps..)

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