
Closing out Ethiopia

This picture may look a little blurry...because it was taken in the back of a dumptruck. We had to choose between walking 20 miles out to the nearest town or hopping in the back with the locals. What you can't see is Kori sitting on a sleeping pad to guard her butt or me with surrounded by mothers hanging on tight to their babies.

Bante Hoon (our scout) with his family. We had been walking for 6 days with no communication with anyone aside from a few other hikers and their scouts. All of a sudden on the last day his family walks out of the middle of nowhere with food for him. Good for all of us as we had been feeding him for the past few days.

Bante's Wild West pose in the Simien Mts

The windy summit of Ras Dashen

Ferry near the town of Bihar Dar
Tradional Ethiopian food--no forks allowed

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