Seems that every time we do a food post we say 'there is nothing like this type of food in the world.' This is the opposite when it comes to Greek food, as it seems that it is a little bit like every other type of food in the world--making it wholy unique. As Greece has more or less been the siphon of the orient into Europe, they seemed to have picked up a bit from all passersby. The one defining element of Greek food for us is olive oil. France and Italy are mere wannabe's when it comes to olive oil use. Greeks seem to pour it on everything--our host Penelope educated us in this fact, sometimes emptying half a cup of olive oil on our various dishes throughout the meal. Bread? Of course. Grilled Octopus? Yeah. Salad, boiled greens, beets, calamari, tomatoes, olives, moussaka--all of it. Brent, still reeling from culinary despondency may have taken it too far. In two weeks on the island of Naxos, we went through 2 liters.
If I said that Greek olive oil was the best in the world, its likely I would wake up with a horse's head in my bed, but its very good nonetheless. Anyway...on top of wine with every lunch and dinner, olives and the ubiquitous olive oil add ons, here are some dishes we enjoyed in out month in Greece.
Pizza with dried Camel Meat & Skorthalia (Walnut/Garlic Paste)

Goat leftovers from Easter

Kori and her 78th Greek coffee


Easter sheep

Tradional Easter-eve soup, full of goat innards (Ellen and Kori handed theirs off)

Penelope pouring Raki

Tuna for sale on Naxos

'Giant' beans

Herbs that line the trails of Naxos island. Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano and what Brent thought was Sage but it turned out to be a weed that tasted like Windex.
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